Découvrez les tarifs de la presse en quelques clics et placez vos premières publicités dès aujourd’hui ! Connectez-vous pour découvrir le panel de marques et tarifs médias disponibles sur Adwanted.com, votre plateforme d'achats médias !
Create your campaign on the platform in a few clicks
Select the media brands and units you want to add to your campaign
Negotiate online with media and benefit from exceptional offers
Come to an agreement
Receive your I/Os
Finding a magazine ad's price has never been easier! Buying print advertising isn't time consuming and tedious anymore!
No need to dig through your emails for hours! With Adwanted.com you know exactly where you stand in the negotiation of your insertions!
Your preferential rates, terms and conditions and contracts are automatically applied during negotiations. At the validation of each campaign, you find your insertion orders directly on your account, without having to modify them; a considerable saving of administrative time!
Thanks to our fine tuning, your collaborators' accounts reflect your internal organization (hierarchical status, visibility of commercial information, access rights to certain features, ...)